Welcome to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

We are a community of people trying day by day to follow in the way of Jesus; loving God and loving our Neighbors. We gather every Sunday to practice prayer, to learn from the Bible, and to share bread and wine in an act of oneness with God and with neighbors around the world. Along the way we bring our celebrations, our griefs, our joys, and our growing edges. We trust God to work with all of that, and all of us, to help our life together look more and more like the dream God has for us.

Click here to fill out a “newcomer card”.

These days we are especially using the story of Jesus’ disciples on the Emmaus Road (Eh-may-us) as a lens for exploring what God is up to in our own lives. In short form, this is a story of Walking Together. Recognizing Jesus. Practicing Resurrection. What do these three movements of our spiritual lives look like today? Where are each of us in this story? Those are the questions we’re having a good time answering!

Click here to see a video of what St. Andrew’s means to members.

We are folks of diverse lives and backgrounds, and we hope you will join us to bring what you know of God’s dream, and share with us in what we’ve learned so far. Standing in the overwhelming witness to inclusive, persistent, and ever-growing love found in Scripture, Tradition and our living relationship with God, we rejoice in being welcoming and affirming of our LGBTQ+ members and neighbors. Below is a little info we hope you’ll find helpful as a visitor.

Q: Can I join you online?
A: Our worship is simultaneous in-person and online each Sunday. Head to our Sunday Worship page to learn more.

Q: Where can I park?
A: There is a parking lot beside/behind the great hall building, which is attached to the right of the main church, and looks like a white colonial house (because it was!). You can also park on either side of Main Street.

Q: How do I get in?
A: There are two entrances to the church. From the street, the red main doors enter into the worship space. If you enter through the "Great Hall" building from the driveway, follow the long hallway to the stairs or elevator and follow everyone else into the worship space. See the church floorplan for a detailed layout of the church building.

Q: What should I wear?
A: Folks at St. Andrew’s wear jeans and sneakers or slacks and dress shoes, a t-shirt or a blouse, and sometimes a soccer jersey in preparation for their next activity. Please come in what you feel comfortable wearing. Most folks would probably say that they dress up just a bit for church, out of a sense of the importance of our worship together.

Q: What is your worship service like?
A: Ushers will be here to greet you at the front door, give you a bulletin for the service, and help you find a seat. “Common prayer” is one of the main features of Episcopal worship. That means we bring all our voices together in worship, instead of just listening to one leader. The bulletin has all our prayers and readings and songs printed in it to help everyone participate as much as they are comfortable. If you want to just listen and observe on your first visit, that will be fine too! Our 8 AM worship is entirely spoken. Our 10 AM worship (9 AM in the summer) includes singing and music. At all our worship services, we share the Eucharist, a meal of bread and wine in which we join ourselves with Jesus and with all Christians through the ages of the church.

Q: May I remain seated for the Eucharist?
A: Yes. In the spirit of Jesus, we welcome everyone who desires to join the meal, or to come forward for a blessing instead of the bread and wine. Also, some folks, for a variety of reasons, eat the bread but do not drink the wine. You may also stay seated and enjoy the music and space for prayer. And Rev. Reed is always available for conversation about Eucharist or about Baptism (a connected celebration of the church), if you are interested.

Q: Will my kids be welcome?
A: Yes! Our congregation includes kids of all ages, who are very welcome, cheerios and noises and all. Nursery care is offered during the 10:00 service for children 0-3. Our Montessori-style program, “The Atrium”, opens at 10:00 AM for children 3-11, who then rejoin their families in time for the Eucharist in our main worship service. Children are also very welcome to remain with their families through the whole service.